Aamir is a 2008 Hindi film starring Rajeev Khandelwal. The film revolves around a young Muslim man Dr. Aamir Ali who has returned to Mumbai from United Kingdom and finds himself at the mercy of religious extremists who want to carry out a bombing in the city. The movie deals with the problems of the Muslim community in modern India and the increasing religious polarization in the country.
A man-on-the-run thriller, it is set in the Muslim dominated streets,the bylanes and poor living conditions of people living in residential pockets of old Bombay. The protagonist's (Aamir's) family has been kidnapped by a radical mafia group, who want him to carry out a bombing in the city. The kidnapper's try to gain Aamir's sympathy by showing him the plight of many Muslims in modern India, but Aamir resists saying that such an attack is un-Islamic and will only make things worse for the community.How will he conquer the issue?
CD 1:
File 1
File 2
File 3
File 4
File 5
File 6
File 7
CD 2:
File 1
File 2
File 3
File 4
File 5
File 6
File 7